
                                    JANICE WILLIAMS /  JW Talent Agency                        

1. Shop Artist for Record deals
2.Cast artist, dancers, models, Actors, for movies
3.Cast artist, dancers , Actors for plays, video's
4 Shop producers,song writers for placements for sound tracks
5.Cast for Television
6.Club Performances
7. provide Back ground singer
8 provide choreography
8.Provide artist to open up show's for major Artist
9. EPK'S
12..Artist Development
13. Show Case's
14. Web Sites
15. Business Card's

One Stop Shop !!

JW Talent Agency- pop- r&b -hip-hop-rock- dancers- songwritters- producers -actors 

Janice Williams from Detroit Michigan, Now CEO of JW Talent Agency in Atlanta GA Has been around for years....the very first Talent Agency Ms. Williams was apart of was for 16 years, as vice president and A&R for a company called A&J Connections Talent Agency. while making it's present known in a big way. it all Started with the head of A&R Mr.Tommy Henderson at laface Record's after meeting Ms. Williams Mr.Henderson gave Ms. Williams her very first break in Atlanta, GA, Atfer one meeting MR. Henderson, would be one of many, others who could see that Ms. Williams have been bless ,with a talented gift, for finding Talented Artist,songwritters producers,dancers,actors,ect
As a artist do you have passion, drive and faith. do you have the love for the music business. do you feel, or know for sure you have everything you need to make it in this business ? let us help you, leave any copy written music , videos, bio's anything that can be of help to our Agency to know how ,we can work with you as a team to get you where you need to make bigger things happen...for you. it takes a Team to make the dream work, At JW Talent Agency.. we are the Agency who cares. we are so excited weeee...

Don't WAIT
1.  do you need artist development.
2. consultation
3. show's  4.Xposure.  let us know, leave information.remember we work with a limited amount of artist with non exclusive Agreement don't be the the last in line !!
 JW Talent Agency we are the Agency.who truely cares about you.... and your Talents. if you  want to have fun, make money, and get the right Xposure . You don't have to look any further....
MS. Williams knows without a douth, God has been in full control by supplying her with such Awesome favor with connections and wonderful relationship for herself and her client's from around the world The reason why? JW Agency deals with all kind of Talented people in a good way ..... And has a track Record to prove it!
 The many Blessing has been. Shopping artist to record companines, 7 has been signed, oversea's tour's, casting movie's  video's, tv show's. plays, show case's, major festival's, and the list go's on. you can also e-mail